Dolan Contact Information

Phone: 815-599-3975 Fax: 815-599-3985

Please call in any absences or late entries before 10:00 a.m. that day. You can also email the school secretary at

Thank you.

Dolan Education School Hours

Students are in session: Monday- Thursday 8:20 am - 3:20 pm Friday 8:20 am - 2:10 pm

*Note that if there is an early dismissal, the release time will change. You can check the school calendar for early releases. Thank you!

Welcome to Dolan Education Center
Mission Statement

The mission of the Dolan Education Center is to address each student's behavioral and academic needs in a proactive manner so that students, regardless of their functioning level, grade placement, age, or behavior will be able to have a reasonable opportunity for success in the least restrictive environment, be it school or community.

We are committed in providing an educational setting which will help students develop a positive self-image and a positive attitude towards school and learning. We will do all that is necessary to ensure that each student will learn at his or her best rate, enjoy learning, and value the school experience.

We will meet these challenges with a strong belief that all students can and will learn. We will provide every instructional and interpersonal support and opportunity to enable each student to become a positive and contributing member of the community.

Thank you, Cara Pirrie Principal